Period Piece

FeaturesOscars Redux: 1992 Best Supporting Actress

In the second Oscars redux, we re-evaluate Marisa Tomei's controversial win.

Recent ReleaseReview: "Chevalier" Is A Messy, Misguided Pseudo-Biopic

Director Stephen Williams fails to create a compelling tale of the forgotten composer.

Modern "Passing" Drifts By Decency On The Road To Ineptitude

Rebecca Ferguson's directorial debut flounders in the face of its topical subject matter.

Classic"Amadeus" 40th Anniversary Review: An Undisputed Titan of Genius Filmmaking

A bitter composer and his legendary rival with a penchant for fart jokes. What could go wrong?

Modern "The Last Duel" Battles With The Patriarchy - And Loses

Ridley Scott and his white superstars prove the quest for gender equality has a long way to go.