General Questions
How Can I Get In Touch With You?
Any business inquiries can be directed to me with the form below! I do copywriting, content writing, and graphic design!
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Will You Be Varying Your Content?
Yes! I plan on beginning a screenwriting podcast! I will also expand to more in-depth features once awards season dies down and I add more reviews!
How Often Do You Update?
I update the blog on Monday and Thursday mornings! Make sure to sign up for updates and keep and eye on that inbox!
Other Questions
What Is The Canty Score And How Do You Decide It?
The Canty Score is my individual rating for each movie. I have no scientific formula; it's mostly a gut feeling. I consider the film's technical merit insofar as I can appreciate it, but my instinct gets primarily informed by three things: appreciation of what I value most (writing), how well the film accomplishes what it sets out to accomplish, and my overall enjoyment.
Article Writing
Do You Accept Guest Writers?
I am not currently accepting guest writers, but am willing to consider it in the future. I would eventually like to feature articles from people who understand film on a technical level (cinematography, editing, scoring, etc.) so as the blog grows, it's something I will be interested in!
How Can I Advertise In Your Site?
Any advertising requests can be submitted with the form located at the top of this page or by following me on Instagram!