
"Alexander" 20th Anniversary Retrospective: An Iconic Stinker Still Reeks of Ineptitude

Oliver Stone's notorious bomb is even worse two decades down the line.

Retrospective: "1917" Is An Awe-Inspiring Technical Masterclass

It occasionally prioritizes style over substance, but Sam Mendes' acclaimed passion project is a cinematic marvel.

"Scream" Retrospective: A Welcome Convenience To Horror's Imperfect Existence

If you don't read this review, I'll gut you like a fish.

"The English Patient" Retrospective: A Song of Sand And Seinfeld

Sorry, Elaine, but I'll take this romance over "Sack Lunch" any day.

"Forrest Gump" 30th Anniversary Retrospective: A Conservative Yuppie's Wet Dream

It has occasional charm, but Robert Zemeckis' '90s juggernaut is a feast of boomer bullshit.

Retrospective: Nostalgia Has Its Swinging '60s Day in "American Graffiti"

Before lightsabers and death stars, George Lucas asked a simple question: where were you in '62?

"Ordinary People" Retrospective: A Vital Lesson On the Mental Health Crisis

Robert Redford's controversial Best Picture winner is more important now than ever.

"The Last Emperor" Retrospective: A Forgotten Oscars Powerhouse

Bernardo Bertolucci's lavish lament on China's last monarch deserves a place in cinema's pantheon.

Retrospective: 20 Years Later, "Bowling for Columbine" is a Disgrace to Documentary Filmmaking

Michael Moore exploits America's most famous school shooting in this misguided monument to egotism.

20th Anniversary Retrospective: "Downfall" And The Historical Merit of Humanizing Hitler

It was a gamble making a man out of a monster, but a great movie happened because of it.

Retrospective: "Titanic" Still King of the Movie World 25 Years Later

James Cameron's magnum opus has never let go of its place in our hearts - thank God for that.

"Finding Nemo" Retrospective: 20 Years Later, Pixar's Crown Jewel Still Shines

The Studio's masterpiece is a touching portrait of a parent's love.

"Dances With Wolves" Retrospective: The Unjust Penalty of Beating Scorsese

Dances with Wolves is a flawed epic, but it's far more than an excuse to look at Kevin Costner.

"Troy" Retrospective: Sword and Sandal's Final Bow

You need this movie like you need an arrow through your Achilles' tendon, but in... a good way?

Retrospective: Is "Annie Hall" Still the King of Rom-Coms?

It has, perhaps, aged poorly, but Woody Allen's iconic romantic comedy still has quite a lot to offer.

Retrospective: "The Deer Hunter" Is An Emotional Gut Punch - Even If By Accident

Michael Cimino's 1978 Best Picture winner occasionally misses the mark, but it's reflection on Vietnam is still worth our time.

Retrospective: "Moonlight" Remains Much More Than An Oscars Punchline

Barry Jenkins' modern masterpiece offers profound insight on race, sexuality, addiction, and how inescapable life's obstacles can feel.

"Gone with the Wind" Retrospective: Why Canceling The Past Means Sacrificing Our Future

Hollywood's most popular movie is problematic - that doesn't make it worth forgetting.

"The Social Network" Retrospective: The Millennium's Most Overrated Movie

Style trumps substance in this confused depiction of the founding of Facebook.

"Schindler's List" 30th Anniversary Retrospective: The Impossible Task of Depicting the Holocaust

Spielberg does not fully commit to the horror, but Schindler's List remains the preeminent depiction of humanity's darkest hour.

"American Beauty" Retrospective: How the Oscars Were Won, But A Legacy Lost

American Beauty never knew us as well as it thought it did, but that's (mostly) okay.